Sunday, 15 October 2017

How Is Your Teaching Voice?

Image result for teacher voice

One of my goals for term 4 is around behaviour management...tone of voice. The reason I chose this as a goal to work on is because it became very apparent that my students didn't follow through with instruction unless I raised my voice. It was if they said to themselves " Ms. hasn't raised her voice yet so I don't need to follow through just yet" 
In an effort to manage this I involved my students in process. Just like they have goals, I have goals as well and I needed their help with one of them. I told them that one of my goals was to not raise my voice. It seemed to work well. Sometimes all I would have to say is : "What is my goal"  or "You can help me achieve my goal by following through with what I ask the first time" There were days that I didn't achieve that goal. I now realise that I didn't stop to ask myself why or what could be done so that tomorrow I had a better chance of success. This term I want to work on this even more. 
The following are the steps that I am going to use in order to help me be successful.

How am I going to achieve this?

Step 1Continue to ask students to help me keep my goal ( not raising my voice) - involve students in giving me feedback to help hold me accountable
Step 2Reflecting weekly on how the week has gone in this area - what worked well? - what didn't work so well and why do I think this?
Step 3Consciously using a calm, responsive yet firm voice when giving instructions or logical consequences.
Step 4Pause for 2-5 seconds before responding in order to give myself time to remember what type of tone is appropriate to use.
Who will help me?
I will be recruiting the help of my peers and my students. Also friends & family. The more I practice and become aware of my tone, the better I will become with my ability to successfully communicate with others. 
Why is this a goal for me?
It is important to think about what your objective is when you speak to others. Do you just want to vent? Do you want for them to know how you feel? Do you want them to listen and follow through with what you have to asked? I think how one says something has a lot to do with how a message is received and the chance of eliciting the intended response. If I want people to actually listen and follow through with what I am saying then I have the responsibility of making sure I do what is needed in order for them to listen and respond appropriately. 
I have been doing some research about this. I have also been using what I have learned through PB4L to help guide me.  
QUOTE: If you  emphasise EVERYTHING, you  emphasise nothing. 

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