Sunday, 2 December 2018


One of the biggest factors that contribute to the success of any business is whether or not its employees are able to perform together a team. 
What is Collaboration?
Collaboration is said to take place when two individuals or a group of people work together towards achieving a common goal by sharing their ideas and skills. Now thinking about that definition. Do you and your team(s) collaborate?
Benefits of collaboration

Collaborative Teaming gives opportunity for better instruction 
When class ends, the two of us quickly and briefly reflect about how the day went, particularly focussing on whether, or which, students understood the material ( particularly our Target students) . This brief reflection enables us to make decisions about the next lesson  and which teacher will do what during the next lesson.  Our teaming involves a continuous cycle of decision making, reflection, and feedback—bouncing ideas off each other in order to come to the best possible solution.

Come up with ideas we may not have had individually
Two minds are better than one. That saying exists for a reason. Brainstorming works better the more minds you have contributing on any project. By working together, it allows for us to plan more effectively and see things from a perspective that otherwise wouldn't have occurred to the other person and more importantly, I've found that working collaboratively has helped to inspire me to think outside of the box and explore the possibilities

"Unsuccessful attempts within the journey to a goal is actually essential to progression"

Are we always successful?... Nope. We realise that making sure all students are adequately supported yet appropriately challenged is an area in which we still need and continue to work on. There are success stories, however, we’re reaching students who not only seek help and guidance but also participate and show a true interest in the class. We both truly believe that our students are successful because of the co-taught/collaborative environment.

Another benefit to collaboration is being able to high five those on your team when success takes place!

What does your school do to facilitate teacher collaboration? What, in your experience, is the biggest barrier/benefits to teachers working together and sharing ideas? Add your thoughts/comments  below!

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