Monday, 13 March 2017

Blogger Life Hacks!

One of my colleagues Ashley Schellingerhout, held a toolkit for those of us who are looking to improve our blogs whether it be our professional blog, class blog or student blog. 

I found this toolkit answered a lot of the questions that I had. I learned how I could improve upon my professional blog so that I could access work that addressed particular RTC's in a more efficient way! 

Ashley was really good at unpacking things so we understood and were able to take what we needed in order to fit what we wanted for our class blog, our students ( individual student blogs) or even for ourselves ( professional blog).

Ashley was also very good at addressing our particular concerns as she seemed to understand that how she chose to make her blogs look may not be what we want for ours. 

I learned how to look at the blog from a viewers perspective and to be aware of what parents may want to see when looking at their child's blog or the class blog. 

I learned sites such as The Cutest Blog on Thee Block which you can use to change the background of your blog. I also learned a more efficient way of checking the last time any of my students last blogged! This makes life SO much easier! 

Again, there was a lot of information given. 
As I sat there, my mind began to think of all the amazing things I could do for my blogs.
I had to remind myself that there are only so many hours in the day and though I was inspired to do so many things, I need to learn to prioritise and not bite off more than I can chew.

I am still learning....

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